What is the purpose of this blog?

I am Bob Hackendorf, a presbyter in the Anglican Church in North America, and Rector of The Church of the Apostles in Hope Mills, NC. This blog is a convenient way for me to share what is on my mind, and to encourage thoughtful discussion on various theological matters. The name of the blog comes from a Collect in the Book of Common Prayer:

Blessed Lord, who hast caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning; Grant that we may in such wise hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that by patience, and comfort of thy holy Word, we may embrace, and ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life, which thou hast given us in our Saviour Jesus Christ.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Ordinal Approved for Use by the College of Bishops


Text Describes the Form and Manner of Ordaining Bishops, Priests and Deacons
The Anglican Church in North America is pleased to announce the Ordinal has been approved for use by the College of Bishops. The Ordinal text was approved on June 24, 2011. To view the PDF document, please click here.

“One of the major things that we sought to do was to craft an Ordinal that was written in contemporary English, but also was clearly in the Prayer Book tradition. Of particular focus was the strengthening of the vows that those who are ordained ascribe to,” said Bishop Bill Thompson, Chair of Prayer Book and Common Liturgy task force.

“We were very deliberate about the tone and content of the Ordinal and the fact that it is clearly connected to our Anglican roots. Our intention is for the other liturgies that we put forth to have that same quality,” Bishop Thompson said.

The language and doctrine of the new Ordinal is descended from the historic Anglican Ordinals of 1549, 1662, and the American 1928 and Canadian 1962. The primary source was the American book of 1928 because it has removed references to the English Monarch and Government, which makes more sense in our North American context. The other editions are used in places where there has been a variance between the various editions.

The structure of this edition, however, does look to ecumenical and more recent Anglican Ordinals, especially the American BCP of 1979, the Church of England “Common Worship: Ordination Services,” Study Edition of 2007, and the Province of Southern Africa “An Anglican Prayer Book” of 1989. Where appropriate, this edition seeks to reconcile the text of the Ordinal with the English Standard Version of the Bible.

As we celebrate the work the Lord is doing in our body through His faithful servants, please join us in saying the Veni, Creator Spiritus as a prayer for the renewal of the Church.

Veni, Creator Spiritus

Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire,
And lighten with celestial fire.
Thou the anointing Spirit art,
Who dost Thy sevenfold gifts impart.

Thy blessed unction from above,
Is comfort, life, and fire of love.
Enable with perpetual light
The dullness of our blinded sight.

Anoint and cheer our soiled face
With the abundance of Thy grace.
Keep far our foes, give peace at home;
Where Thou art guide, no ill can come.

Teach us to know the Father, Son,
And Thee, of both, to be but One;
That, through the ages all along,
This may be our endless song:

Praise to Thy eternal merit,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Photo captions: Website homepage - Archbishop Robert Duncan lays hands on The Rev. Mike McGhee during an ordination service on June 13, 2009. Story photo - Archbishop Robert Duncan presided at the consecration of The Rt. Rev. Bill Ilgenfritz to the office of bishop on August 22, 2009. Photo credit: Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

God's English

The Making & Endurance of the King James Bible, 1611–2011

by Barton Swaim   (Touchstone Magazine)

The King James Version of the Bible (KJV) is fast becoming one of the great unread books of Western civilization—remembered and admired but not used. True, there is still a small band of believers in the fundamentalist tradition whose loyalty to the KJV remains uncompromised. But the vast majority of Christians in the English-speaking world think of the King James Bible as a hindrance rather than a help: an interesting document but, in the twenty-first century, pointlessly difficult to understand; an artifact prized by one’s grandparents because it reminded them of another time.
It’s the sad but inevitable end to the greatest of all biblical translations—sad because the translators’ goal was to make the Scriptures more, not less, accessible: a goal they achieved on a worldwide scale. Miles Smith’s preface to the first edition explains that goal beautifully.

For well over three centuries in Britain and North America, the King James Bible was the Bible. Its language permeates our literature. In twenty-first-century Britain, where biblical illiteracy is almost total, phrases from the King James Bible still echo across the cultural landscape—a fact attributable to the nation’s Christian past, but also to the biblical translation that defined that past.

Read more: http://www.touchstonemag.com/archives/article.php?id=24-03-023-f#ixzz1Ruw9ADL1

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Contemporary Music: The Cultural Medium and the Christian Message

Contemporary Music: The Cultural Medium and the Christian Message

On a recent Sunday, I found myself visiting a Protestant megachurch. Entering the "worship center" was eerily similar to being ushered down the aisle of a movie theater: floor lighting, padded chairs, visual effects shown on two large screens, and music over the speaker system.
A band appeared on stage to begin the service with live music. It was dark, and I thought I heard the audience singing along, but it was impossible to tell. And although I was seated in the front row, I sensed that the congregation was almost superfluous to the activity on stage. As in most forms of entertainment, the audience functioned as passive onlookers, participating only in an unseen, intensely personal way.
While the band played, song lyrics flashed across the two big screens, with words like great, God, and high figuring prominently. The musical performance was outstanding, even if the vocabulary was extremely limited. If the songs aimed at an emotional response, they were probably successful, but like so much contemporary worship music, they lacked any element of substantive teaching.
Immediately after the singing, without any announcement, much less Paul's words of institution (1 Cor. 11:23-26), the elements of the Lord's Supper were hurriedly handed around. Again, I was amazed at the blandly efficient nature of this activity. We could have been passing pretzels and soda pop. No one offered any guidance whatsoever on the sharing of this critical ordinance or sacrament. It seemed a strictly vertical encounter between each individual and God.
Next came the sermon, offered by a capable person who worked very hard to relate while teaching some biblical content. A simple outline appeared on the screen so that we could follow the train of thought. So did the relevant Bible passages, lest anyone could not find them in an actual Bible. I noticed that the illustrations came almost solely from popular movies and television. Then the service ended as abruptly as it began, with a few announcements over the speakers and a cordial "thank you" to the congregation. No benediction or closing prayer—not even a person to give it. The house lights came on, and it was time to leave.

Protecting the Pearls

To say that the service was religiously "dumbed down" is not quite right. In fact, I wish that were the case, since the goal of comprehension sometimes demands that complex ideas be simplified. No, it seemed rather that the presentation aimed at finding a theological and cultural lowest common denominator in order to attract and engage the greatest number of people. As a result, there was no need to be a Christian to understand most everything that was said or sung.


Friday, June 17, 2011

Why We Practice Blended Worship at St. Luke’s

Why We Practice Blended Worship at St. Luke’s
We embrace the best of both the Ancient and the Modern to the Glory of God 

Those who have attended worship at St. Luke’s have no doubt noticed that we make use of both “traditional” and “contemporary” elements in our liturgy.  The most common way of describing this eclectic approach to liturgy is “blended worship.” 

Let me say from the outset that we have no argument with others who choose to be more “traditional” than us, nor do we criticize those who are more “contemporary” than us.  But since I am often asked about our worship style, I thought it might be worthwhile to discuss our practice and our rationale for it.

We Use a Modern Language Liturgy

We admit that there are many good reasons to use a traditional language Prayer Book.  We also acknowledge the foundational nature of the 1549 and 1662 editions of the Book of Common Prayer of the Church of England.  They are focal points of our unity.  They instruct and direct our liturgical practice, as they have guided the Reformed Episcopal Church from her founding as an Anglican denomination over 130 years ago.

However, we believe that there is a role to be played by liturgy in the modern idiom.  We believe modern English can be reverential, and instrumental to those who seek to “worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.”  In doing so, we state our belief that no era in the development of the church (or of the English language) is uniquely sacred.  So, while honoring the beauty of the language of the foundational formularies, we respectfully support the expression of Elizabethan theology in contemporary English.

We Sing Traditional Hymns

If we are not quite the same as our dear friends who are more strictly “Traditional”, we are also distinct from some who are more exclusively “Contemporary.”  

Just as we would feel that we lost something if we could not make use of hymns and songs composed in the last 100 years, we would also mourn the loss of the great collection of more ancient Christian hymnody and liturgical music.

We Sing Modern Hymns and Songs

Some might ask  “Are there not doctrinal defects or at least theological shallowness in modern church music?”  And of course, the answer is, yes, some modern church music has this problem, but then, older hymnody is not universally immune to it either!  The truth is, diligent, careful Christians must “test all things”.  And we can never really relax that posture.

Since the older a hymn or song might be, the longer the Church has had to test and evaluate it, it might be that it takes more diligence to use contemporary songs than it does to restrict oneself to only traditional hymns.  While there may be some truth to this argument, we find the extra effort worth our while in order to benefit from the “best of every generation of the Church.”

Sometimes we are faced with a false dilemma:  to sing only older hymns or to sing only modern praise choruses, when, of course, we can do both, and we can also avoid any song that is shallow or theologically incorrect. So we sing both hymns and “praise songs.” But, we cannot ignore another significant body of music, namely, the modern hymn.

Modern Hymns are fresh, contemporary compositions that share the essential traits of traditional Christian hymnody while employing new, thoughtful lyrics and/or new melodies.  The hymnal we keep in our pew, Worship and Rejoice (Hope Publishing) is a leader in the publication of such hymns. 
For our purposes, we will consider any lyrics or tunes that postdate the Episcopal 1940 Hymnal to be “modern.”

Examples of traditional lyrics wedded to new tunes would include:

Psalm 103
Tune:  Taize Community

The Beattitudes
Tune:  David Haas, 1985

At the Name of Jesus
Tune:  Michael Brierly, 1960

Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken
Lyrics:  John Newton, 18th Century
Tune:  “Abbot’s Leigh,”  1942

Examples of new lyrics attached to traditional tunes would include:

Sing Praise to the Father
Lyrics:  M. Clarkson, 1966
Tune: Doane, 1900

Like A Mighty River Flowing
Lyrics:  Michael Perry, 1982
Tune:  Traditional, 14th Century

We Come O Christ to You
Lyrics:  Clarkson, 1957
Tune:  “Darwell’s 148th” 18th Century

Christ is the World’s Light
Lyrics:  Fred Pratt Green, 1969
Tune:  “Christe Sanctorum,” 17th Century

When Jesus Came to Jordan
Lyrics:  Fred Pratt Green, 1980
Tune:  “Munich,”  17th Century

Examples of fine hymns with both modern lyrics and tune might well include:

Jesus on the Mountain Peak
Lyrics:  Brian Wren
Tune:  “Mowsley”  1985

I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light
Lyrics:  Kathleen Thomerson, 1970
Tune:  “Houston,”  1970

Name of All Majesty
Lyrics:  Timothy Dudley-Smith, 1984
Tune:  Michael Baughen,  1982

Be Not Afraid
Lyrics & Tune:  Bob Dufford, 1975

In Christ Alone
Lyrics & Tune:  Stuart Townsend, 2002

Jesus is Our King
Sherrell Prebble, Howard Clark, 1978

King of the Nations
Graham Kendrick, 1990

Come and Rejoice
Don Moen & Gerrit Gufstafson, 1989

In conclusion, our guiding principles:

1)        We hold an Ancient-Future faith, thus we seek the best of what every era of the Christian Church has to offer us in terms of music, liturgy and ceremonial practice;

2)       We adhere strictly to the rubrics of the authorized formularies of the Reformed Episcopal Church, and use no liturgy that is not explicitly approved by the appropriate Ecclesiastical Authority (our Bishop or the General Council of the Church);

3)       We are governed by the doctrinal commitments of the Creeds, Ecumenical Councils, and the clear teaching of Holy Scripture in all that we do;

4)       We seek both to preserve the heritage of the past by singing traditional hymns and plainsong settings as well as looking toward the most appropriate modern hymns, songs and liturgical music as adding to this ‘holy repertoire.’

5)       We reject the notion that any century or era in the Church’s History is the ideal or “golden age” that future generations must imitate above all others.  Rather, we believe that the Holy Spirit has worked in every era of the Church, and it is a great privilege to learn from each successive generation of the Body of Christ.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Five Myths About Worship in the Early Church

Although written from a Roman perspective, I think some insights here have application to liturgical studies in the Anglican context:

Five Myths About Worship in the Early Church Michael P. Foley   (Crisis)

As the forthcoming new translation of the Roman Missal debunks the myth that liturgical language must be so banal that even the muppets on Sesame Street can understand it, it’s a good time to examine five other untruths that have been wreaking havoc on the Church’s worship in recent decades.

1. Mass facing the people. After studying free-standing altars in early churches, liturgists in the 1930s concluded that priests once celebrated Mass “facing the people,” and that it was only under the influence of decadent medieval clericalism that they “turned their backs” to them. This myth was much in the drinking water at the time of Vatican II (1962-1965). Later, some scholars began to reexamine the evidence and found that it did not support their thesis at all, and that in fact there had been an unbroken tradition — both East and West — of priest and congregation celebrating the Eucharist in the same direction: eastward.

Read More Here

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Orthodox bridge to the evangelical world

  • By TERRY MATTINGLY - Scripps Howard News Service   

  • As point man for Russian Orthodox relations with other faith groups, Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev is used to talking shop with Catholics, Anglicans, leaders in older brands of Protestantism and other world religions.

    These duties have long been part of his job description. Meeting with leaders from the world's booming evangelical and Pentecostal flocks?

    Not so much.

    However, recent ecumenical contacts by this high-profile representative of the Moscow Patriarchate is evidence that times are changing. Time after time, during meetings with evangelical leaders and others here in America, Hilarion has stressed that it is time for Orthodox leaders to cooperate with traditional Catholics, evangelical Protestants and others who are trying to defend ancient moral truths in the public square.

    "I am here in order to find friends and in order to find allies in our common combat to defend Christian values," said the 44-year-old archbishop, who became a monk after serving in the Soviet army. He also speaks six languages, holds an Oxford University doctorate in philosophy and is an internationally known composer of classical music.

    For too long, Orthodox leaders have remained silent. The goal now, he said, is to find ways to cooperate with other religious groups that want to "keep the traditional lines of Christian moral teaching, who care about the family, who care about such notions as marital fidelity, as giving birth to and bringing up children and in the value of human life from conception until natural death."

    On this occasion earlier in the year, Hilarion was preaching from the pulpit of the 5,000-member Highland Park Presbyterian Church in Dallas, a conservative congregation that remains part of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), which recently approved the ordination of noncelibate gays, lesbians and bisexuals.
    While in Dallas, Hilarion's public schedule included meetings at Dallas Theological Seminary, a prominent institution among many of America's most conservative evangelical leaders. He has also, this year, met with nationally known evangelical leaders in New York, Washington, D.C., and at Princeton University.
    In a recent interview with Christianity Today, one of evangelicalism's flagship publications, the archbishop said it is crucial for all churches -- including Eastern Orthodox churches -- to expand their work into public life, even if this creates controversy in some quarters.

    "Very often nowadays our church will publicly express positions on what's happening in the country," he said. "Some people ask, 'Why does the church interfere? It's not their business.' We believe that the church can express its opinion on all aspects of human life. We do not impose our opinions on the people, but we should be free to express them. And people will have to choose whether to follow or not to follow, whether to listen to what we say or to ignore it."

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    Cold Fire of the Holy Spirit

    Gabriel Torretta, First Things 
    Human efforts all show their fault lines sooner or later—Rome fell, Communism crumbled, and even the flag on the moon will tip over eventually. But Pentecost is the perpetual reminder that the limits of our strength should lead us to hope, not despair. Strength, and it limits, are the obsessions of Asbury Fox, the main character in Flannery O’Connor’s short story “The Enduring Chill.” . . . Continue Reading »

    Southern Baptists Report Decline

    This should be a humbling wake-up call for us all.  Southern Baptists have long been leaders in church planting, church growth and personal evangelism.., in short, "if it can happen to them, it can happen to any of us..."

    By Bob Allen, Associated Baptist Press   
    NASHVILLE, Tenn. (ABP) – The Southern Baptist Convention reported declines last year in several categories traditionally used as markers of denominational vitality, according to annual statistics released June 9 by LifeWay Christian Resources.

    The 2010 Annual Church Profile showed dips in baptisms, total church membership, worship attendance and participation in Sunday school and other Christian education programs. Declines were also reported in giving categories, but some of that was attributed to the fact that not all Baptist state conventions asked churches for information in ways that make for year-to-year comparison.

    Southern Baptists reported 5 percent fewer baptisms in 2010 than in 2009 – 332,321 compared to 349,737. Total membership was counted at 16,136,044, a drop of 0.15 percent and the fourth straight year of membership losses.

    “I pray that all of us will see the urgency of the moment,” said Thom Rainer, president and CEO of LifeWay. “We must make the Great Commission the heart of all we do and say. These latest numbers should be received with a broken spirit and a God-given determination to reach people for Christ.”

    One area that did show increase was the number of churches, which rose 1.59 percent to 45,727. Rainer said he was encouraged by a church-planting trend that could help stall the membership decline.

    Read More

    Wednesday, June 8, 2011

    Iceberg parables

    Pastors face challenge of preaching sermons that pierce rather than just entertain   
    By Marvin Olasky  (World Magazine)

    After listening to sermons for the 35 years I've been a Christian, I agree with those who say the call to preach is the highest honor there is.

    It can also be the most frustrating. Think of the Parable of the Sower:

    Three-fourths of the seed lands by the road, or on stony ground, or amid thorns. Three-fourths of the sower's work is wasted. That parable, like so many Jesus presented, is not an icebreaker anecdote, a happy story to put listeners in a cozy, receptive mood. Jesus told iceberg parables, not icebreakers.

    An iceberg parable is a story that can sink a ship as big as the Titanic. The Titanic had its first and last voyage across the Atlantic nearly a century ago. It advertised itself as unsinkable. Many non-Christians think of themselves as unsinkable. Many of us who have been Christians for a long time also start thinking of ourselves as unsinkable. I can get prideful and feel like a know-it-all. I need an iceberg parable to penetrate my hull.  Read more...

    Sunday, June 5, 2011

    Bad News for Church Planting in the City

    Court Ruling on Schools Could Force City Churches to Find New Homes

    Sunday, June 05, 2011

    Several churches around the city may have to stop holding Sunday services in public schools following a recent court ruling — and it's unclear where they would go.
    The ruling by a panel of the Second Circuit Court of Appeals found the city had good reason to bar any religious worship in the schools because it appears to promote a particular faith. The decision followed years of litigation between the city and a small evangelical church called the Bronx Household of Faith, which has been holding Sunday services at PS 15 in the Bronx for about nine years.

    The city's law department said it's still going over the ruling, and won't kick out any churches from schools before the end of June.

    Churches Now Using Schools
    It's not known precisely how many churches use city schools for Sunday services. Love Gospel Assembly Church in the Bronx has been holding Sunday services at a local middle school ever since a fire destroyed its sanctuary last year. Several churches affiliated with the Redeemer Presbyterian Church rely on the public schools, including Park Slope Presbyterian Church, which uses John Jay High in Brooklyn, and Covenant of Grace Presbyterian Church, which uses IS 5 in Queens.
    Those that use the schools on Sundays tend to be small, new churches that can't afford commercial space. Like other organizations, they pay no rent to the schools for using their rooms. They merely reimburse them for the cost of security and custodial work.
    "In New York City it's either very expensive or in some of the poorer communities, neighborhoods, there's not really a usable facility for meetings except in the public schools," said Jordan Lorence, senior counsel with the Alliance Defense Fund in Arizona which represents the Bronx Household of Faith.

    Worship v. Expression
    Lorence said New York City is unusual because most big school districts do allow religious services in their public schools. He also denied the city's contention that the churches were getting an advantage — and an impressionable audience of children — by holding services in the schools on Sundays.
    The circuit court's decision last week noted that "a worship service is an act of organized religion that consecrates the place in which it is performed, making it a church." But Lorence argued that worship is an act of free expression protected by the U.S. Constitution.

    The Bronx Household of Faith said it will ask for stay to prevent the ruling from taking effect and also plans to appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court if necessary.

    The church lost its original suit against the city's rule against religious worship in the public schools in 1995. But it won its second attempt after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 2001 that a Bible club in Milford, New York, had the right to meet in the public school.

    In its ruling last week, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals said that case was different because the Bible club's meetings weren't solely about religious worship. It said New York City's ban applied to a form of conduct - worship - and was therefore Constitutional because it didn't impinge on free expression.

    Tuesday, May 31, 2011

    No obedience required

    Apparently, liberal Presbyterians want to follow liberal Episcopalians and Lutherans off the cliff:

    The Presbyterian Church (USA) opens the door to gay ministers, but who is following?
    By Timothy Dalrymple, World Magazine

    For three decades pro-gay factions within the Presbyterian Church (USA) have pressed for the ordination of homosexual church officers. This time they’ve carried the day, with a majority of presbyteries now voting to amend the PC(USA) Book of Order to permit sexually active gays and lesbians to be ordained.

    Prior to the amendment, the Book of Order directed the governing bodies of presbyteries (regional organizations of the denomination) to ordain as deacons, elders, and ministers only those who lived “a life of obedience to Scripture,” whether in single “chastity” or married “fidelity.” Those “persons refusing to repent of any self-acknowledged practice which the confessions call sin” should not be ordained.

    The newly passed Amendment 10-A removes this language and directs the governing bodies simply to be “guided by Scripture and the confessions in applying standards to individual candidates.” The presbyteries are not compelled to ordain non-celibate homosexuals, but they are no longer forbidden to do so, just as they are no longer forbidden to ordain heterosexuals who are sexually active outside of marriage.

    The denominational debate about homosexuality, and related issues of biblical interpretation and authority, has been going on ever since Northern and Southern Presbyterians joined to form the PC(USA) in 1983. The debate grew so intense that the denomination declared a three-year moratorium on the subject in 1993. Conservatives won a victory in 1997 when they successfully added the “fidelity and chastity” requirement. Ever since, liberal Presbyterians have proposed a series of possible substitutes that would permit gay ordination. While those proposals were defeated every time, the margins of defeat grew progressively smaller—until May 10, when the Twin Cities presbytery in Minnesota gave the new ordination standards majority support among presbyteries. The new rule will take effect on July 10.

    Bruce Reyes-Chow, moderator of the PC(USA)’s General Assembly from 2008 to 2010, said he could “weep with joy for friends long yearning for this day.” Presbyterians for Renewal, a group devoted to strengthening the denomination’s commitment to biblical authority, expressed “unspeakably deep grief.” Some noted that the earlier standards called for “a life of obedience to Scripture,” whereas the new standards only ask the governing bodies to “be guided by Scripture.” As author and minister Mark D. Roberts wrote, “Guidance implies far less than obedience,” and viewing the Bible as only as a source of guidance “appears to put Scripture on a par with other sources of guidance.”

    The amendment to PC(USA) ordination standards occurs against the backdrop of a long numerical decline. The denomination has lost one-fifth of its membership in the past decade, and four out of five worshippers in its pews today are over the age of 45. At the same time, the movement for gay ordination across Christian denominations may be slowing down. Although many mainline denominations have opened the doors to homosexual priests and pastors, no other denominations are waiting in the wings to follow their lead. There is no obvious next battleground for this fight.

    For the Presbyterian Church (USA), the battle will now shift to individual presbyteries as they will decide for themselves whether or not to ordain gay candidates, as renewal movements will continue to protest. The Fellowship PC(USA), a nascent movement led by prominent Presbyterian traditionalists, stated tartly, “We as a Fellowship choose to remain obedient to Scripture and guided by the Book of Order.”

    Thursday, May 26, 2011

    JOPLIN, MO: Reformed Episcopal Church Wiped Out in Tornado Alley

    From www.virtueonline.org

    All they salvaged were two candlesticks and a processional cross from the wreckage of their church, but that is not the end of the road for this small but determined Reformed Episcopal Church in Joplin, after multiple tornadoes ripped through the city killing more than 123 men, women and children. Another 233 are officially still missing.

    For REC Bishop Sam Seamans it was a devastation he thought he would never live to see. "I had never understood what an EF5 tornado could do until I saw this. I have seen tornadoes before but not like this. It is a tragedy beyond comprehension," he told VOL by phone.

    "It is utter devastation. The little church was picked up and smashed into St. James Methodist Church next door, destroying both. None of our people were hurt. No one was in the church building."

    Bishop Seamans visited with Fr. Jon Hunter, vicar of Our Savior Anglican church, to assess what their needs were in the immediate context. "All is not lost. We have located a free a meeting room given by a lady to house 50 people so we can meet next Sunday. Then we need to figure out where to rent or build permanently. The tragedy is we have lost it all including prayer books, hardware, chalices, and the Altar Cross. They were all completely destroyed along with the building. We are basically starting from ground zero."

    Seamans said people are in high spirits and counting their blessings, but it does knock the wind out of your sails. "We were able to get a plan for this coming Sunday and continue with the mission of being the church and provide Joplin with an orthodox Anglican Christian mission."

    The church is about 30-strong. They are grateful they are all still alive according to the Assisting Bishop of the Diocese of Mid-America in the REC. His Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Royal Grote is shipping prayer books and hymnals as we speak, he said.